well, 2014 is almost in the books.
I can't say i'm devastated. on a personal level, it wasn't exactly the best year i've ever had. so much so that it's been easy to overlook some of the greater things that happened this year. on a professional level, it's actually been pretty exciting. my newest theater company, This Is Not A Theatre Company, premiered two new works - Pool Play and A Serious Banquet. We recorded a pod play, Ferry Play, which is in development for release in 2015. And we are currently workshopping our next piece, Readymade Cabaret. Not bad for a single year. In the meantime, my Philly-based theater company, Murmuration Theater, is in development for our next piece, Breakdown. We're alls et to premiere a short play at the 2015 Nice N Fresh series. so....while on a certain level it is with great joy that I kiss 2014 goodbye, I'm deeply grateful for the professional activities that have proved such a welcome distraction from personal challenges. wishing you and yours a happy and HEALTHY 2015. love, jessie
May 2015